Top "Expansion" questions

Base64: What is the worst possible increase in space usage?

If a server received a base64 string and wanted to check it's length before converting,, say it wanted to always …

base64 expansion
How to iterate through string one word at a time in zsh

How do I modify the following code so that when run in zsh it expands $things and iterates through them …

bash while-loop zsh expansion
jQuery Accordion expand all div

Is it possible to expand all components when page is load or when an event occurs? Thanks!!

jquery accordion expansion
how to make bash expand wildcards in variables?

I am trying achieve the same effect as typing mv ./images/*.{pdf,eps,jpg,svg} ./images/junk/ at the command …

bash scripting expansion
Is it possible for C preprocessor macros to contain preprocessor directives?

I would like to do the equivalent of the following: #define print_max(TYPE) \ # ifdef TYPE##_MAX \ printf("%lld\n", …

c macros nested c-preprocessor expansion
Datatable row expansion event

I am using Primefaces 3.0 with JSF 2.0. I have a datatable with expansion enabled. I wanted to call a bean method …

jsf datatable primefaces expansion
Expansion files in the new Google Play developer console

I am trying to upload my app to Google Play using the developer console. As of a week or so …

android apk google-play expansion
Why $'\0' or $'\x0' is an empty string? Should be the null-character, isn't it?

bash allows $'string' expansion. My man bash says: Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to …

string bash echo expansion dollar-sign
Why do I get this error using {1..9} in zsh?

I run the following code zgrep -c compinit /usr/share/man/man{1..9}/zsh* I get zsh: no matches found: /usr/…

shell zsh expansion
How to extract files from .obb file?

in my application I downloaded the expansion file at Android->obb->packagename->main.1.packagename.obb . Can someone …

android zip expansion apk-expansion-files