Top "Executereader" questions

A Microsoft .NET method that sends the `CommandText` to the `Connection` and builds a `SqlDataReader`.

C# Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed

I am having Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed error when I am doing 3 tier project in …

c# sql 3-tier executereader
ExecuteReader() in Powershell script

I'm trying to read data from a SQL table in a powershell script. I can see the data in reader …

sql powershell executereader
An OLE DB Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;

i trying to run query using C#, i am getting the following problem An OLE DB Provider was not specified …

c# oledbconnection oledbdatareader executereader
Invalid attempt to call FieldCount when reader is closed

The error above occurs when I try to do a dataReader.Read on the data recieved from the database. I …

datareader executereader
ExecuteReader CommandText property has not been properly initialized

First of all sorry if some of the code isn't right. I'm still new to using sql on … executereader
Why is ExecuteReader only giving me 1 row of data back?

I have this code and its only returning the first string [0] and errors on the rest of them saying the …

c# mysql executereader
Execute Reader wait operation time out error

stuck on this since few days please help. I have tried a lot of solutions like increase connection timeout in …

c# sql .net executereader
ExecuteReader with Oracle array binding

I'm trying to improve performance of my Oracle SQL queries by using array binding to an OracleParameter. This is basically …

c# arrays oracle bind-variables executereader
How to read specific column and cell in mysql in c#?

I use ExecuteReader to select all (SELECT*) for all field like this string query = "SELECT* FROM tb_patient_information "; if (…

c# mysql select executereader
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'User'

Baglanti.FnkBaglan(); SqlCommand KayitSorgulaUsername = new SqlCommand("SELECT Username FROM User Where Username= @Username AND Username IS NOT NULL ", Baglanti.baglan); …

c# database executereader