Top "Executenonquery" questions

executes an SQL statement against the Connection object of a .NET Framework data provider, and returns the number of rows affected.

OracleCommand command, ExecuteNonQuery issue

I have to clear certain tables in the oracle database however when I'm having issues with running the following code …

c# sql oracle10g executenonquery oraclecommand
sqlcommand execute query not updating deleting and inserting

Hello i always use SQlcommand for non query but now something wrong i dont know what i have 3 buttons with …

c# sqlcommand executenonquery
What is the maximum length of a SqlCommand query?

I am currently updating and reading values with a C# script from SQL Server 2014. When using a SQlCommand to executeNonQuery, …

sql sql-server unity3d monodevelop executenonquery
ExecuteNonQuery not working in C#

I am building a database using Visual Studio 2008 c# and when I'm a trying to insert a new record into …

c# sql-server executenonquery
The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized

I am trying to run ExecuteNonQuery using transaction, but I keep getting this error OleDbException : ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to …

c# transactions executenonquery
ExecuteNonQuery() not saving any record

I'm working a WinForms based C# tool which has an attached MDF file based database. I'm trying to use the …

c# database sqlcommand mdf executenonquery
Execute postgres script with npgsql

I have a script (*.sql) which creates tables. I am using Visual studio 2010 with npgsql to access postgres database. Could …

c# sql npgsql executenonquery
Error in server 'executenonquery requires an open and available connection'

I got this error on server not in local and when facing this error, then i re-upload that related class …

c# connection executenonquery
How do I get the output from Database.ExecuteNonQuery?

I would like to use the Database.ExecuteNonQuery or something similar to execute a sql script and then capture the …

c# command output capture executenonquery
How can I insert more than 8000 characters in a VARCHAR(MAX) column with ExecuteNonQuery?

I am trying to insert > 8000 characters (submit from a web page) via ExecuteNonQuery (and DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() from MS Practices …

c# sql-server-2008 enterprise-library executenonquery varcharmax