String manipulation with Excel - how to remove part of a string if another part is there?

warren picture warren · Nov 4, 2008 · Viewed 48.9k times · Source

I've done some Googling, and can't find anything, though maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. I'm also not very adept at VBA, but I'm sure I can figure it out with the right pointers :)

I have a string I'm building that's a concatenation of various cells, based on various conditions. I hit these in order.


What I want to do is go back through my concatenated list, removing a superseded value if the superseder is in the list.

For example, see the following list:

A, D, G, Y, Z

I want to remove D if and only if Y is present.

How would I go about this? (VBA or in-cell, though I'd prefer in-cell)


Joseph Bui picture Joseph Bui · Nov 4, 2008



But that assumes you always have the comma and space following the D.