Change background color of the row or range if a particular cell value is equal to some text

Vikram Rao picture Vikram Rao · Aug 21, 2013 · Viewed 52.3k times · Source

What I have:

1   Col A      Col B  Col C   Col D   Col E  Col F 
3  Approved    Text   Text    Text    Text   Text
4  Reject      Text   Text    Text    Text   Text
5  Pending     Text   Text    Text    Text   Text

What I want is :

  1. If Column A value is equal to Approved then entire row-3 should have a green background.
  2. If Column A value is equal to Reject then entire row-4 should have a red background.
  3. If Column A value is equal to Pending then entire row-5 should have a amber background.

How to change the background color of the row or range if a particular cell value is equal to some text?


pnuts picture pnuts · Aug 21, 2013

Based on Excel 2007:

SO18355419 example

Ie in Conditional Formatting create three separate rules, each with a formula like =$A1="Approved" and formatting to suit and with Applies to: a sensible maximum for the range to be formatted.