Top "Excel-2003" questions

The Excel-2003 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2003 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

In excel: How to determine if 01/01/1900 then print out empty string, otherwise show the date

I'm trying to show all dates except for 01/01/1900. In excel, how do I first check for 01/01/1900 and then replace only …

excel excel-2003
Browse for a File from Excel VBA

How can I put up a "File Open" dialog from some VBA running in Excel? I'm using Excel 2003.

excel excel-2003 fileopendialog vba
Missing values in MS Excel LINEST, TREND, LOGEST and GROWTH functions

I'm using the GROWTH (or LINEST or TREND or LOGEST, all make the same trouble) function in Excel 2003. But there …

excel statistics excel-2003 regression
Count number of worksheets in Excel File

How to count number of worksheets in a Microsoft Excel file using Java SE?

java excel excel-2003
Bugs in Excel's ActiveX combo boxes?

I have noticed that I get all sorts of annoying errors when: I have ActiveX comboboxes on a worksheet (not …

excel excel-2007 excel-2003 vba
How delete a series from an Excel chart using VBA

I'm trying to delete the empty series from a chart in Excel 2003 using VBA. I've seen that others have had …

vba excel charts excel-2003
Language independent way to get "My Documents" folder in VBA Excel 2003

I need a Language independent way to get "My Documents" folder in VBA Excel 2003. What I have: Public Function MyDocsPath() …

excel vba excel-2003
Dumping variant array to range - VBA excel error 1004

I'm using vba for Excel in order to save data into an array by: Dim allPosts As Variant allPosts = Range("…

vba excel excel-2003
How to make Excel strip ALL quotes from CSV text fields

When importing a CSV file into Excel, it only strips the double-quotes from the FIRST field on the line, but …

text import excel-2007 excel-2003
Excel 2003 VBA - kernel32 functions - and other libs

I've been programming in VBA for Excel 2003 for some years now, and only recently I've been introduced to: Declare Sub …

excel vba windows-xp excel-2003