Top "Event-listener" questions

An abstract object that is triggered when a particular event occurs in the application or system.

Javascript 'keydown' event listener is not working

The mousemove event works and calls onMouseMove each time I move on the canvas. Although, the keydown and keyup events …

javascript keydown event-listener
How to implemennt OnZoomListener on MapView

I would like to have onZoomListener on my MapView. The code below is what I have done. It registers if …

android zoom listener android-mapview event-listener
OnUp event on GestureDetector

My question is simple, where's the onUp event when implementing a GestureListener? I has a lot of events on the …

android event-listener gesturedetector
event: "Deprecated symbol used, consult docs for better alternative"

It's been a while that PyCharm (I suppose it's the same with WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs) raise a weak …

javascript html pycharm dom-events event-listener
removeEventListener without knowing the function

Some of the third party plugin will attach the eventListener into the site. How to I remove the eventListener without …

javascript jquery event-listener
Keycode for Print Screen (44 is not working)

So I want to test if visitors of my site have pressed Print Screen button. As much as I was …

javascript event-listener keycode
JavaScript Event Listeners vs Event Handlers

Ok, I have been trying to figure this out for a long time now and finally have the time to …

javascript html event-listener eventhandler dom-events
Why doesn't my Node.js process terminate once all listeners have been removed?

In the following code, I assign a listener to the data event of process.stdin with the once method. console.…

javascript node.js event-listener
Is an EventListener an Observable?

I am currently following a class about Design Patterns and was wondering whether an EventListener is an Observable? I don't …

design-patterns observer-pattern event-listener observable
CSS / Javascript - Does "display:none" remove any associated event listeners temporarily?

I'm thinking more in terms of efficiency. If I choose to set the display of an element to none, will …

javascript css event-listener