Top "Event-delegation" questions

In JavaScript, event delegation is a concept of listening to specific events on some element (eg.

Delegation: EventEmitter or Observable in Angular

I am trying to implement something like a delegation pattern in Angular. When the user clicks on a nav-item, I …

angular observer-pattern observable eventemitter event-delegation
What is DOM Event delegation?

Can anyone please explain event delegation in JavaScript and how is it useful?

javascript event-handling dom-events event-delegation
How to stop event bubbling with jquery live?

I am trying to stop some events but stopPropagation does not work with "live" so I am not sure what …

javascript jquery dom event-delegation
Getting value from a range input (slider)

I am adding a slider dynamically on a page using a string like the one below: "<input type=\"range\" …

javascript jquery html range event-delegation
Vanilla JS event delegation - dealing with child elements of the target element

I'm trying to do event delegation in vanilla JS. I have a button inside a container like this <div …

javascript dom publish-subscribe event-delegation
Event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page

I have some markup like this (classes are just for explication): <ol id="root" class="sortable"> <li&…

javascript jquery jquery-events event-delegation
Jquery on event is not binding for non existing elements

Ok here the jsfiddle example As you can see you when you hover it is not …

javascript jquery event-delegation
How to add click events for dynamically appended elements using jquery?

here i'm able to remove box100 and box200 when clicked but not able to remove box1-box5 after appending it …

jquery click event-delegation