Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) is a high-speed tracing facility provided by the Windows Operating System which was first introduced in Windows 2000.
I'm researching Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to allow a user-mode windows client to write out tracing information. The existing …
c++ etwI am trying to wrap my head around ETW and how to integrate t into a high Performance application. We …
.net-4.5 event-log etwThe larger question is how to consume real-time ETW network stack events in general but I'm particularly interested in the …
windows network-programming etwI'm instrumenting my .NET 4.5 applications to emit ETW events using the EventSource class. The goal is to be able to …
.net logging etw etw-eventsourceWhy should I use Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) over the standard .NET EventLog class, and vice versa? Does knowing …
.net event-log etw