Top "Esp8266" questions

ESP8266 is a highly integrated chip which offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either host applications or offload all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor.

server.args() ESP8266 Arduino

I am using the ESP8266 with Arduino IDE and have set up a server at port 200 . The IP is also …

arduino esp8266 ifttt
Set baud rate to esp8266 at 9600

I brought an esp8266-12, it works at 115200 baud rate. I sometime connect it to arduino uno to work for …

arduino-uno at-command esp8266
Get value from text field at a webserver ESP8266

I've made a webserver with an esp8266. sResponse = "<p>" "<center>" "<h1>ESP8266 Web Server&…

arduino webserver textfield esp8266
ESP8266 Constantly Restarting

I have been struggling for some time now trying to get my ESP8266 ESP-12 to work. I was able to …

esp8266 nodemcu esplorer
How to use SoftwareSerial with ESP8266

I'm trying to get an ESP8266 to work with Arduino by using PlatformIO. But, I get errors when importing SoftwareSerial.…

arduino esp8266 software-serial
How to run Node.js on esp8266 (Nodemcu dev board)?

I am trying to connect Apple homekit to nodemcu board, I found a tutorial which works on my computer, but …

node.js esp8266 nodemcu
ESP8266 send UDP string to AP

I am using UDP to connect two nodemcu modules. One nodemcu is wireless acces point and another nodemcu connects to …

arduino udp esp8266 nodemcu
ESP266 Timed out waiting for packet header

I am trying to flash the AT firmware in esp8266 but I am always getting the error of timed out …

at-command esp8266
ESPlorer can't communicate with ESP8266

I flashed the NodeMCU v0.9.5 to one of my ESP8266 modules. Now I'm trying to send a Lua script to …

lua iot esp8266 nodemcu esplorer
ESP8266 wifi server to android client

Ive been trying to setup a server using ESP8266 wifi module on a particular port. I'm done with that. I …

android sockets android-asynctask bufferedinputstream esp8266