Top "Es6-modules" questions

The standard module system for JavaScript, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (2015).

require working but import not working

I have a actions.js file that is exporting actions like this export var toggleTodo = (id) => { return { type: 'TOGGLE_…

es6-module-loader es6-class es6-modules
Import '.json' extension in ES6 Node.js throws an error

We're trying to use the new ways of exporting and imported modules for ES6 with Node.js. It's important for …

javascript node.js es6-modules
module specifier in es6 import and export

I'm confused about what the module specifier in these statements refer to: export {bar} from "foo"; import {bar} from "foo"; …

module ecmascript-6 es6-modules es6-module-loader
How to export default modules in index.js barrels

I'm trying to export default modules using index.js barrels but can't seem to get it to work. It works …

javascript es6-module-loader es6-modules
Awaiting on dynamic imports in JavaScript

While trying to port some of our JS code to use modules, I ran into this peculiar case which I …

javascript es6-modules es6-module-loader dynamic-import
Rollup: wants me to create global variables. How can I use 'export default'?

I have a small app I am converting to use rollup. It uses ES6 modules - when I run rollup …

javascript es6-modules rollup