Top "Error-handling" questions

Programming language constructs designed to handle errors signaled by error codes, exceptions or other language specific means.

error handling with NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest

how can i do better error handling with NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest? is there any way i can implement - (void)connection:(…

iphone error-handling nsurlconnection
Node.js catch ENOMEM error thrown after spawn

My Node.js script crashes because of a thrown ENOMEM (Out of memory) errnoException when using spawn. The error: child_…

javascript node.js error-handling try-catch spawn
How to catch error in jQuery's load() method

I'm using jQuery's .load() method to retrieve some data when a user clicks on a button. After the load successfully …

jquery ajax error-handling load
Continue execution on Exception

Below is the script I want to execute. The issue here is once an exception occurs it stops executing, I …

powershell error-handling continue
Converting a list to an array with ToArray()

I've created a class called listItem and the following list: List<listItem> myList = new List<listItem>(); …

c# list error-handling type-conversion toarray
How do you get a Golang program to print the line number of the error it just called?

I was trying to throw errors in my Golang program with log.Fatal but, log.Fatal does not also print …

error-handling go
JSONP request error handling

I'm making an ajax jsonp request, but the failure error handling wont work. If the request is 404 or 500 it won't …

jquery ajax json error-handling jsonp
Having a log per day

Currently my application is using log4net to log errors, the web.config for this is as followed: <log4…

c# logging error-handling log4net
Detailed error on fopen

I'm using fopen to read from a file $fh = fopen($path, 'r') or die('Could not open file'); Now I …

php error-handling fopen
Handle errors in ScriptBlock in Invoke-Command Cmdlet

I am trying to install a service on a remote machine using the powershell. So far I have the following: …

powershell error-handling invoke-command