Top "Error-handling" questions

Programming language constructs designed to handle errors signaled by error codes, exceptions or other language specific means.

Capture Control-C in Python

I want to know if it's possible to catch a Control-C in python in the following manner: if input != contr-c: #…

python error-handling keyboard-events
Handling specific errors in JavaScript (think exceptions)

How would you implement different types of errors, so you'd be able to catch specific ones and let others bubble …

javascript error-handling
How to provide a localized description with an Error type in Swift?

I am defining a custom error type with Swift 3 syntax and I want to provide a user-friendly description of the …

swift swift3 error-handling nslocalizedstring
rails 4: custom error pages for 404, 500 and where is the default 500 error message coming from?

Currently in production im getting this text: 500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then please …

error-handling ruby-on-rails-4
How can I get PHP to produce a backtrace upon errors?

Trying to debug PHP using its default current-line-only error messages is horrible. How can I get PHP to produce a …

php debugging error-handling stack-trace backtrace
Catching Stripe errors with Try/Catch PHP method

During my testing of STRIPE in a website, I built the code like this: try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "…

php error-handling try-catch stripe-payments
How should I use FormatMessage() properly in C++?

Without: MFC ATL How can I use FormatMessage() to get the error text for a HRESULT? HRESULT hresult = application.CreateInstance("…

c++ windows error-handling formatmessage
Error handling when importing modules

This probably has an obvious answer, but I'm a beginner. I've got a "module" (really just a file with a …

python error-handling module cross-platform
Handle Volley error

I want to handle and show some message in onErrorResponse below is my code. String url = MainActivity.strHostUrl+"api/delete_…

android error-handling android-volley
Python Multiprocessing: Handling Child Errors in Parent

I am currently playing around with multiprocessing and queues. I have written a piece of code to export data from …

python error-handling multiprocessing