Top "Erase" questions

This tag refers to the process of removing or deleting data, text, files, or memory.

Fast erase (not clear) a ByteBuffer in Java

I am trying to "clean up" a ByteBuffer to be all zero bytes (all 0x00). I tried to loop over …

java bytebuffer erase
std::map - erase last element

My map is defined as such: map<string, LocationStruct> myLocations; where the key is a time string I …

c++ stl map erase
Replacing items in a list using a C++ std::list iterator

The basic structure of my code is: using namespace std; void recursiveFunction(list <int> &jobs,...){ list<…

c++ list insert iterator erase
Format SD card in Android

Things should be simple, but as most of the time, in Android, aren't. I need to format the SD card …

android format android-sdcard erase
How to erase path area from canvas (Android)

I need to crop corners on ImageView. Not to round them but erase triangles from each corner. Seems like the …

android canvas path transparency erase
Remove characters from std::string from "(" to ")" with erase ?

I want to remove the substring of my string , it looks something like this : At(Robot,Room3) or SwitchOn(Room2) …

c++ string std erase
std::vector::erase vs "swap and pop"

The "normal" way of deleting an element from a vector goes like this: vec.erase(vec.begin() + index); But in …

c++ performance vector erase