Top "Erase" questions

This tag refers to the process of removing or deleting data, text, files, or memory.

How does a 7- or 35-pass erase work? Why would one use these methods?

How and why do 7- and 35-pass erases work? Shouldn't a simple rewrite with all zeroes be enough?

security hardware erase
C++ Remove punctuation from String

I got a string and I want to remove all the punctuations from it. How do I do that? I …

c++ string parsing erase punctuation
unlink vs remove in c++

What is the difference between remove and unlink functions in C++?

c++ unix posix erase
Remove Duplicate Entries in a C++ Vector

Just want to remove duplicates. Pool is vector<pair<string, int>> but I seem to miss …

c++ vector duplicate-removal erase
C++ STL map::erase a non-existing key

Regarding the C++ STL map, erasing by key:- size_type map::erase ( const key_type& x ); Is it …

c++ stl map key erase
HTML5 Canvas eraser tool without overdraw white color

I have canvas. I have paint tools pencil and eraser. How i can erase drawings without overwrite(overdraw) with white …

html canvas drawing erase
Replacing elements in vector using erase and insert

void replace(vector<string> my_vector_2, string old, string replacement){ vector<string>::iterator it; for (it = …

c++ vector insert iterator erase
Erasing vector::end from vector

Does it works correct(does nothing) when I use vector<T> v; v.erase(v.end()); I want …

c++ vector iterator language-lawyer erase
How do I erase printed characters in a console application(Linux)?

I am creating a small console app that needs a progress bar. Something like... Conversion: 175/348 Seconds |========== | 50% My question is, how …

linux console character erase
c++ stl what does base() do

I have such code : vector <int> v; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) v.push_back(i); v.…

c++ vector erase