How do I read an environment variable in Verilog ? (Running on a VCS simulator)
I am trying to accomplish
$PATH is an environment variable.
You can simply use SystemVerilog DPI for getting environment.
And because getenv
is a standard C library for every POSIX platform, so you do not need to implement your own getenv()
equivalent function for the function definition again.
Example code in SV.
import "DPI-C" function string getenv(input string env_name);
module top;
initial begin
$write("env = %s\n", {getenv("HOME"), "/FileName"});
ncverilog -sv dpi.v
vcs -sverilog dpi.v
It will show
env = /home/user/FileName
And one more issue in your original question, PATH is a environment for executable search path and concatenate with ":" character. I think it should be an example here, not really "PATH" environment. Otherwise, your fopen file name could be "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin/FileName"
, which is wrong.