The EntityManager is the representation of a PersistenceContext, allowing a user to manipulate data pulled from a database.
In standard EJB 3, when injecting entity manager, persistence unit (which refers to datasource) is hardcoded into annotation: (or alternatively xml …
jpa persistence ejb-3.0 entitymanagerI am building a query on a generic table "Sample" and I have several types which inherit from this table "…
java jpa entitymanagerI want to make a fetchAll() with limit ? Do you know if it's possible with the entity manager of symfony2 ? …
symfony doctrine-orm entitymanagerHere's the code insidy my ApplicationContext.xml <context:spring-configured /> <context:annotation-config /> <context:component-scan base-package="com.…
spring entitymanagerI've been trying to call Entity Manager in a constructor: function __construct() { $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager(); ... but, as …
php symfony constructor entitymanagerI'm new to JPA/OpenJPA and I noticed that if I don't call EntityManager.clear() after i persist entities I …
java jpa memory-leaks openjpa entitymanagerSorry for the noob question, but I'm having problems with JPA+Hibernate so I thought that something is not clear …
hibernate jpa entitymanagerI am looking for a good way to create Data Transfer Objects (DTO) from a JPA Entity and vice versa. …
java jakarta-ee jpa entitymanager dtoCan somebody tell me the intrinsic reasons why in the JPA 1.0 EntityManager when retrieving an Object via find, you have …
jpa entitymanagerSome confusing explanation: flush(); Flushing is the process of synchronizing the underlying persistent store with persistable state held in memory.…
java jpa entitymanager