Entity Framework (EF) Core is an open source multi-platform ORM developed by Microsoft.
So, I have a DBContext, and I am doing the following operations: dbContext.SomeTables1.Add(object1) dbContext.SomeTables2.AddRange(objectArray2) …
c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 entity-framework-coreI am trying to create a new migration but I get an System.ArgumentNullException saying: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be …
c# entity-framework-core entity-framework-core-migrationsI have a database table to connect data between user and clients. db: class UserClientCorporate{ int UserId; User User; int …
c# asp.net-core .net-core entity-framework-core ef-core-3.1I have a web application running .net core 2.x (just upgraded from .net core 1.x finally) and I've gotten most …
c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core invalidoperationexception asp.net-core-identityI have created a Class Library project with the following .csproj: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup&…
asp.net-core entity-framework-core entity-framework-migrations asp.net-core-1.1I am trying to migrate a Web API from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.0 and I have stumbled across the …
entity-framework-core .net-core-3.0 entity-framework-core-3.0I have a project where the front-end JavaScript specifies a list of columns to order by. Then in the back-end …
linq sql-order-by asp.net-core dynamic-sql entity-framework-coreI'm working on asp.net core webAPi and EF core, and want to implement "update" operation (partially edit entity). I …
c# rest asp.net-core entity-framework-core json-patchAll tutorials agree that project.json should include: "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design": { "type":"build", "version":"1.0.0-preview2-final" } I have never included …
c# asp.net-core .net-core entity-framework-coreI'm trying to create an optional foreign key using Entity Framework 7 and the Fluid-API. In EF v6.x we had …
foreign-keys optional fluid entity-framework-core