Entity Framework (EF) Core is an open source multi-platform ORM developed by Microsoft.
I cannot get Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 2.0 to work with NETStandard.Library 2.0 Error CS0433 The type 'AttributeUsageAttribute' exists in both 'System.Runtime, …
c# .net entity-framework-core .net-standard-2.0I am creating a new web site from an empty ASP.NET Core 2 template and following the Microsoft Entity Framework …
c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core asp.net-core-2.0 asp.net-core-3.0I have an entity that has a value object and this value object has another value object. My issue is …
c# entity-framework-core value-objects entity-framework-core-2.1EDIT (02/03/2018) : Since Entity Framework Core 2.1, EF Core implements transactions, cross-context transactions, ambient transactions and transactions scopes so this question is …
c# transactions entity-framework-core asp.net-core-1.0 sql-server-2014-expressI'm following this tutorial Integration Testing with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server My code looks like this Integration Test …
c# asp.net-core integration-testing entity-framework-core xunit2I am calling a .net standard 2.0 library from a framework 4.7.2 test project sucessfully. If I take my .net standard 2.0 dll (…
azure-devops entity-framework-core nuget .net-standard .net-4.7.2I have a base model: public abstract class Status { public string updateUserName { get; set; } } Then a model which extends the …
sql-server ef-code-first entity-framework-core asp.net-core-2.0 ef-fluent-apiHi I'm using Simple Injector for my application DI. I have kept the default DI for framework DI. But I …
c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core simple-injectorMy problem is i am trying to seed an Entity Framework Core database with data and in my mind the …
c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core asp.net-core-1.0I'm trying to rewrite old library to use EntityFramework Core and I can't figure out how to begin transaction with …
entity-framework entity-framework-core isolation-level