Top "Entity-framework-core" questions

Entity Framework (EF) Core is an open source multi-platform ORM developed by Microsoft.

UseSqlServer method missing MVC 6

I am trying to implement Entity Framework 7 in MVC 6, and on this page here it says to do services.AddEntityFramework() .…

c# .net entity-framework-core
Are EF Core 3.1 ExecuteSqlRaw / ExecuteSqlRawAsync drop-in replacements for ExecuteSqlCommand / ExecuteSqlCommandAsync?

Upon upgrade to EFCore 3.1 deprecated warnings appeared: Warning CS0618 'RelationalDatabaseFacadeExtensions.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(DatabaseFacade, RawSqlString, params object[])' is obsolete: 'For the …

c# entity-framework-core ef-core-3.1
Is there a data annotation for unique constraint in EF Core (code first)?

I am wondering if there is a data annotation for unique constraint in Entity Framework Core 2 code first approach?

c# ef-code-first entity-framework-core ef-core-2.0
Executing Stored Procedure in Entity Framework Core 2.0

Have a scenario to execute a stored procedure and read the return value in EF Core, that returns a single …

c# entity-framework-core ef-core-2.0
EF Core returns null relations until direct access

I have some models like those below: public class Mutant { public long Id { get; set; } ... // Relations public long OriginalCodeId { get; …

entity-framework-core lazy-loading eager-loading
How to get Table Name of mapped entity in Entity Framework Core

In some reason, I need to use SQL in EFCore, and I will use table name of mapped entity. How … .net-core entity-framework-core
How to get primary key value with Entity Framework Core

We are currently using the method below which depends upon IObjectContextAdapter in an abstract Repository. From what I'm reading, it …

entity-framework primary-key repository-pattern entity-framework-core
DbSet doesn't have a Find method in EF7

I am trying to create a generic repository to access my database. In EF6 I was able to do that …

c# entity-framework-core
How to implement the field decimal(5,2) in EntityFrameworkCore 1.0 rc2?

How to implement the field decimal(5,2) in EntityFrameworkCore 1.0 rc2 ? HasPrecision seems to be not available anymore?

c# entity-framework-core