Top "Entity-framework-4" questions

A tag for ADO.

EF4 - The selected stored procedure returns no columns

I have query in a stored procedure that calls some linked servers with some dynamic SQL. I understand that EF …

sql-server entity-framework-4 temp-tables
How to update only one table for model from database with Entity Framework?

I have a model generated from db with Entity Framework. When I have any change in database, I update model …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.1 entity-framework-5
Could not load file or assembly Oracle.DataAccess

I have an mvc (EF) project , I had downloaded oracle data provider with version -32bit on my … oracle entity-framework entity-framework-4
How can I do a Union all in Entity Framework LINQ To Entities?

I came across a scenario where I had to use Union all, how can I achieve so in LINQ to …

c# linq tsql entity-framework-4 union-all
Entity Framework Code Only error: the model backing the context has changed since the database was created

I created a "Code Only" POCO for use against an existing database using Entity Framework 4 and the CTP4. When I …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-4
Why does the Contains() operator degrade Entity Framework's performance so dramatically?

UPDATE 3: According to this announcement, this has been addressed by the EF team in EF6 alpha 2. UPDATE 2: I've created a …

c# sql performance entity-framework-4 contains
Entity Framework with LINQ aggregate to concatenate string?

This is easy for me to perform in TSQL, but I'm just sitting here banging my head against the desk …

c# linq entity-framework-4 aggregate
Entity Framework Code First Lazy Loading

I am having two object classes public class User { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } // Navigation …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-4 ef-code-first lazy-loading
How to include ampersand in connection string?

I'm using Entity Framework 4 for a simple app and would like to bake my connection credentials into the following connection …

c# configuration entity-framework-4
Can I change the default schema name in entity framework 4.3 code-first?

Currently I am deploying my application to a shared hosting environment and code-first with migrations has been working great except …

c# sql entity-framework entity-framework-4 ef-code-first