Top "Entity-framework-4" questions

A tag for ADO.

Table-per-type inheritance with EF 4.1 Fluent Code First

I have a pretty straight forward set of database tables, like: Vehicle Id RegNo Car Id (FK of Vehicle.Id) …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.1 entity-framework-6 table-per-type
Entity Framework 4 - Where to put "ApplyCurrentValues" Logic?

I'm using the "stub technique" to update my POCO's (used in a detached context, ASP.NET MVC). This is the …

c# design-patterns entity-framework-4 unit-of-work
Ninject doesn't call Dispose on objects when out of scope

I was surprised to find that at least one of my objects created by Ninject is not disposed of at …

entity-framework-4 ninject idisposable
How to add data annotation for entities automatically created by Data-First?

If model-first, we use [MetadataType(typeof(ConceptMetadataSource))] to attach a MetadataSource file which contains all the data annotations like [HiddenInput(… entity-framework entity-framework-4 database-first
Table-Valued Parameter in Stored Procedure and the Entity Framework 4.0

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 called 'GetPrices' with a Table-Valued Parameter called 'StoreIDs'. This is the type …

sql-server sql-server-2008 stored-procedures entity-framework-4 table-valued-parameters
Separating entity framework poco and objectcontext

so far i was creating a classLibrary project and inserting new Entity data model and genareting from exixting …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 database-first
Entity Framework 4 (using EDMX), how to add a field into to model that DB does not have the field actually

I need to add a field into model that Database does not have the field actually. Because, firstly I tried … entity-framework entity-framework-4 edmx
How to override Entity Framework validation error messages

I have an Entity Framework 4.1 model that supports multiple ASP.NET MVC web applications. I use DataAnnotations to define and … entity-framework-4 viewmodel modelmetadata data-annotations
Updating model in EF Database First project

I've inherited a project which uses Entity Framework Database First. I'm trying to work out how to update the model …

entity-framework-4 edmx ef-database-first
EF Code First with many to many self referencing relationship

I am starting out with using the EF Code First with MVC and am a bit stumped with something. I …

entity-framework-4 many-to-many entity-framework-ctp5 self-reference