Top "Entity-framework-4" questions

A tag for ADO.

POCO Vs Entity Framework Generated Classes?

What are the advantages of using one over the other ? I know POCO classes are more optimal but are they …

.net entity-framework-4 poco
LINQ Dynamic Query Library

I am building an ASP.Net MVC 3 application with Entity Framework 4. When the two pieces of code below are executed, …

entity-framework-4 jqgrid linq-to-entities dynamic-linq
Why do Entity Framework queries not return unsaved entities

Consider the following code: var Products_First = (from Entities.Product p in myContext.Product select p); Entities.Product newProduct = new …

entity-framework entity-framework-4
Entity Framework Code First CTP4 Default Column Values?

I have been looking into Code First with Entity Framework CTP4 and you can use the ModelBuilder to build up …

c# entity-framework-4 entity ctp4
Entity Framework Error: Could not find the conceptual model type for X

I have a demo project with two folders: Data /DbContext /EntityFramework Both have an EDMX, and for the DbContext folder, …

.net entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.3
Tracking changes in Entity Framework 4.0 using POCO Dynamic Proxies across multiple data contexts

I started messing with EF 4.0 because I am curious about the POCO possibilities... I wanted to simulate disconnected web environment …

.net-4.0 poco entity-framework-4
How to seed data when using Model First approach?

So I am learning MVC3 and EF4. I tried the code first method but it was too confusing for me.. …

.net entity-framework-4 seed ef-model-first
How to auto-update the Modified property on a Entity in Entity Framework 4 when saving?

Im using EF4 in VS2010, POCO's and the model-first approach. My entity has the following properties: Id:Guid, Name:String, …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-4 ef-model-first
EF4 Code First: how to add a relationship without adding a navigation property

How should I define relationships using Code First but without using any navigation properties? Previously I have defined One-Many and …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-4 code-first ef-code-first
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#2>'

This query is being compiled without errors: var _entityList = context.customer .Join(context.applications, cust => cust.cust_id, app =&…

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-4 linq-method-syntax