Top "Endianness" questions

Endianness refers to how multi-byte values are stored in memory, sent between devices or stored on disk.

Big endian or Little endian on net?

In what byte order does data transfer occur on net? Is it Little Endian or big endian? How is it …

network-protocols endianness
Detecting Endianness

I'm currently trying to create a C source code which properly handles I/O whatever the endianness of the target …

c c-preprocessor endianness compile-time
How to write endian agnostic C/C++ code?

I did some googling and couldn't find any good article on this question. What should I watch out for when …

c++ c endianness
Reversing byte order in .NET

In the code below, why do X and Y take on different values than what I would think intuitively? If …

.net endianness
How write big endian ByteBuffer to little endian in Java

I currently have a Java ByteBuffer that already has the data in Big Endian format. I then want to write …

java bytebuffer endianness
C# Big-endian ulong from 4 bytes

Im trying to cast a 4 byte array to an ulong in C#. I'm currently using this code: atomSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(…

c# integer endianness
Command-line to reverse byte order/change endianess

I'm hacking around in some scripts trying to parse some data written by Javas DataOutputStream#writeLong(...). Since java always seems …

java swap endianness dataoutputstream
Is there a way to enforce specific endianness for a C or C++ struct?

I've seen a few questions and answers regarding to the endianness of structs, but they were about detecting the endianness …

c++ c endianness low-level
Why are both little- and big-endian in use?

Why are both little- and big-endian still in use today, after ~40 years of binary computer-science? Are there algorithms or storage …

computer-science endianness
Little-Endian Signed Integer

I know the WAV file format uses signed integers for 16-bit samples. It also stores them in little-endian order, meaning …

endianness signed