Top "Empty-list" questions

An empty list is a container of `list` type that has no content.

Collections.emptyList() vs. new instance

In practice, is it better to return an empty list like this: return Collections.emptyList(); Or like this: return new …

java collections empty-list
Checking if a list is empty in java 8

I am new to Java8. I have implemented lists and filters. I have done a null check in my code. …

filter java-8 java-stream empty-list
How can I make multiple empty lists in python?

How can I make many empty lists without manually typing list1=[] , list2=[], list3=[] Is there a for loop that will …

python list empty-list
Collections.emptyList() instead of null check?

If I have a rarely used collection in some class which may be instantiated many times, I may sometimes resort …

java collections null empty-list
Android: set empty view to a list view

<TextView android:id="@android:id/empty" style="@style/FacebookFont" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" …

android android-listview empty-list
Is there an "Empty List" singleton in C#?

In C# I use LINQ and IEnumerable a good bit. And all is well-and-good (or at least mostly so). However, …

c# singleton ienumerable empty-list
Is there a tensorflow equivalent to np.empty?

Numpy has this helper function, np.empty, which will: Return a new array of given shape and type, without initializing …

python numpy tensorflow empty-list
How do I empty a list in R?

I have a file with an R program. I load it interactively on R and then I call the main …

r list empty-list
Why use null function instead of == [] to check for empty list in Haskell?

I am reading through the "Starting Out" chapter of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!. It says: null checks …

list haskell is-empty empty-list
Checking if an array is empty with Coffeescript

I am trying to figure out if an array is empty. I tried this and it does not work. a = [] …

javascript arrays coffeescript empty-list