Top "Emma" questions

EMMA is an open-source toolkit that measures and reports the percentage of Java code covered by unit tests.

Clearing coverage highlighting in Eclipse

After running coverage reports in Eclipse (using cobertura or an EMMA plugin), my source code files get highlighted in green, …

java eclipse code-coverage cobertura emma
Testng, Emma, Cobertura, coverage and JDK 7 result in ClassFormatError and VerifyError

I have switched to the newest JDK 7 and I am having problems with running testng unit test on byte code …

code-coverage java-7 cobertura emma jacoco
How do I generate Emma code coverage reports using Ant?

How do I setup an Ant task to generate Emma code coverage reports?

ant code-analysis emma
Missing branches when using assertTrue instead of assertNull

In Java/Junit, I need to test for null with some object. There are a variety of ways I can …

junit code-coverage bytecode emma jacoco
Emma coverage on Enum types

I'm running EclEmma, the Emma plugin for Eclipse, and the coverage report shows only partial coverage for an Enum I've …

java eclipse code-coverage emma
Java 7 with emma and junit causing java.lang.VerifyError and Illegal local variable Errors

So I'm getting these errors [junit] Illegal local variable table length 17 in method…

eclipse ant java-7 emma
Code coverage for Android

Possible Duplicate: Android test code coverage, Eclipse Its really frustrating to see there is no documentation for how to use …

android eclipse emma
Tests failing in Maven install from command line but passing from Eclipse UI

I am using Maven in my Java project and the IDE is Eclipse. I have few test cases in my …

eclipse maven eclipse-plugin maven-plugin emma
Code coverage finally block

I have the following code construction: try { //some code } catch(CustomException custExc) { //log } catch(CustomException2 custExc2) { //log } catch(Exception exc) { //…

java unit-testing try-catch emma
Jacoco converting to reports without coverage.em

I was able to get the code coverage report by following the steps below, Enable coverage on the build type …

android android-studio android-gradle-plugin jacoco emma