Top "Emgucv" questions

EmguCV is a cross-platform .NET wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library.

How to make PerspectiveTransform work?

I just want to reproduce the result as posted here. I rewrite the source to EmguCV form. Image<Bgr, …

c# image-processing opencv emgucv perspective
How can I compare two still images using emgu cv in c#

Have searched on and google. But didn't found any proper method to do so apart from the link …

c# winforms emgucv
what is the function to find otsu threshold in emgu cv?

I don't need the thresholded image. I want the threshold. I found this in OpenCV. cv::threshold( orig_img, thres_…

c# opencv emgucv
EmguCV 'Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' Exception

I have installed EmguCV I have a 32-bit windows 7 so I installed it using the installer. Now I am trying …

visual-studio-2010 exception opencv emgucv typeinitializeexception
How to reduce number of classes in YOLOv3 files?

I am using YOLOv3 to detect cars in videos. I downloaded three files used in my code coco.names, yolov3.…

opencv object-detection emgucv yolo