EmguCV is a cross-platform .NET wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library.
I created imageHolder class: public class ImageHolder : Image<Bgr, Byte> { private String imagePath; public ImageHolder(String path):base(…
c# .net opencv constructor emgucvI'm looking for an SDK or library that can detect faces in a webcam stream, and detect gender. Free or …
image-processing opencv computer-vision emgucv face-detectionI want to cut a sub-purt of an image (or crop it) using Emgu CV (or OpenCV) and calculate average …
c# video-processing emgucvI’m trying to build a simple application that will recognize the values of two 6-sided dice. I’m looking …
c# .net opencv image-recognition emgucvI need to convert a Mat to an Image in Emgu CV. Trying to cast a Mat to an image …
c# emgucvi really a newbie with EgmuCV i try to capture images from webcam with the following code: //Program.cs (Winform) …
c# emgucvI've been asked to build a real-time face recognition application, and after some looking around I've decided to try EmguCV …
opencv cuda emgucvI would like to ask you to help me with getting all the frames from video file using Emgu CV. …
c# video emgucvI'm new to emgu and would like some advice on where to start. I've looked through the shape detection but …
c# emgucv surf matchtemplateI need to draw two types of histogram, namely monodimensional and tridimensional. I'm a newbie to EMGU and all of …
c# emgucv