Chip to chip communication protocol over SPI

Wessam picture Wessam · Sep 24, 2013 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I'm trying to design an efficient communication protocol between a micro-controller on one side and an ARM processor on a multi-core TI chip on the other side through SPI.

The requirements for the needed protocol:

1 - Multi-session with queuing support, as I have multiple sending/receiving threads, so it will be more than one application using this communication protocol and I need the protocol to handle queuing these requests (I will keep holding the buffer if the transmission is queue but I just need the protocol to manage scheduling the queues).

2 - Works over SPI as an underlying protocol.

3 - Simple error checking.

In this thread: "Simple serial point-to-point communication protocol", PPP was a recommended option, however I see PPP does only part of the job.

I also found Light weight IP (LwIP) project featuring PPP over serial (which I assume that I can use it over SPI), so I thought about the possibility of utilizing any of the upper layers protocols like TCP/UDP to do the rest of the required jobs. Fortunately, I found TI including LwIP as part of their ethernet SW in the starterware package, which I assume to ease porting at least on the TI chip side.

So, my questions are:

1 - Is it valid to use LwIP for this communication scheme? Won't this introduce much overhead due to IP headers which are not necessary for a point to point (on the chip level) communication and kill the throughput?

2 - Will the TCP or any similar protocol residing in LwIP handle the queuing of transmission requests, for example if I request transmission through a socket while the communication channel is busy transmitting/receiving request for another socket (session) of another thread, will this be managed by the protocol stack? If so, which protocol layer manages it?

3 - Is their a more efficient protocol stack than LwIP, that meets the above requirements?

Update 1: More points to consider

1 - SPI is the only available option, I use it with available GPIOs to indicate to the master when the slave has data to send.

2 - The current implemented (non-standard) protocol uses DMA with SPI, and a message format of《STX_MsgID_length_payload_ETX》with a fixed message fragments length, however the main drawback of the current scheme is that the master waits for a response on the message (not fragment) before sending another one, which kills the throughput and does not utilise the full duplex nature of SPI.

3- An improvement to this point was to use a kind of mailbox for receiving fragments, so a long message can be interrupted by a higher priority one so that fragments of a single message can arrive non sequentially, but the problem is that this design lead to complicating things especially that I don't have much available resources for many buffers to use the mailbox approach on the controller (master) side. So I thought that it's like I'm re-inventing the wheel by designing a protocol stack for a simple point to point link which may not be efficient.

4- What kind of higher level protocols can be normally used above SPI to establish multiple sessions and solve the queuing/scheduling of messages?

Update 2: Another useful thread "A good serial communications protocol/stack for embedded devices?"

Update 3: I had a look at Modbus protocol, it seems to specify the application layer then directly the data link layer for serial line communication, which sounds to skip the unnecessary overhead of network oriented protocols layers.

Do you think this will be a better option than LwIP for the intended purpose? Also, is there a widely used open source implementation like LwIP but for Modbus?


Clifford picture Clifford · Sep 24, 2013

I think that perhaps you are expecting too much of the humble SPI.

An SPI link is little more a pair of shift registers one in each node. The master selects a single node to connect to its SPI shift register. As it shifts in its data, the slave simultaneously shifts data out. Data is not exchanged unless the master explicitly clocks the data out. Efficient protocols on SPI involve the slave having something useful to output while the master inputs. This may be difficult to arrange, so you usually need a means of indicating null data.

PPP is useful when establishing a connection between two arbitrary endpoints, when the endpoints are fixed and known a priori, PPP would serve no purpose other than to complicate things unnecessarily.

SPI is not a very sophisticated nor flexible interface and probably unsuited to heavyweight general purpose protocols such as TCP/IP. Since "addressing" on SPI is performed by physical chip-select, the addressing inherent in such protocols is meaningless.

Flow control is also a problem with SPI. The master has no way of determining that the slave has copied the data from SPI the shift register before pushing more data. If your slave SPI supports DMA you would be wise to use it.

Either way I suggest that you develop something specific to your purpose. Since SPI is not a network as such, you only need a means to address threads on the selected node. This could be as simple as STX<thread ID><length><payload>ETX.

Added 27 September 2013 in response to comments Generally SPI as its names suggests is used to connect to peripheral devices, and in that context the protocol is defined by the peripheral. EEPROMS for example typically use a common or at least compatible command interface across vendors, and SD/MMC card SPI interface uses a standardised command test and protocol.

Between two microcontrollers, I would imagine that most implementations are proprietary and application specific. Open protocols are designed for generic interoperability and to achieve that might impose significant unnecessary overhead for a closed system, unless perhaps the nodes were running a system that already had a network stack built in.

I would suggest that if you do want to use a generic network stack that you should abstract the SPI with device drivers at each end that give the SPI a standard I/O stream interface (open(), close(), read(), write() etc.), then you can use the higher-level PPP and TCP/IP protocols (although PPP can probably be avoided since the connection is permanent). However that would only be attractive if both nodes already supported these protocols (running Linux for example), otherwise it will be significant effort and code for little benefit, and would certainly not be "efficient".