The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database.
I have a posts table and comments table, comment belongs to post, and I have the relationship setup in Post …
laravel laravel-4 eloquent paginate laravel-paginateI developed a laravel application and i want to paginate a view, look my controller. $times=DB::table('timesheets') -&…
mysql laravel-4 eloquent laravel-paginationI'm trying to setup a polymorphic one-to-one relationship (the polymorphic equivalent of has_one and belongs_to).I've got an …
laravel laravel-4 eloquent polymorphic-associationsI've got a model, it belongs to another model, that model belongs to a third model, and I want an …
php laravel laravel-4 relationship eloquentI'm building an application using Laravel 4 but have stumbled across a problem with the pivot tables. I've got a user …
laravel pivot eloquentneed help updating a unique rule in my validation rules. I have a abstract validator that will validate a rules …
php laravel laravel-4 eloquent laravel-validationI am using Slim Framework With Eloquent ORM. Trying to implement but I am …
php oauth eloquent slim thephpleagueI'm trying to combine and sort the results from several db queries. $events = collect(); $downedEvents = EventDowned::where('mission', $missionId) -&…
php laravel laravel-5 eloquent laravel-collectionI am trying to get Eager-Loading nested relationships, with constraints, to work. Everyone seems to be giving the same example …
laravel-4 eloquent eager-loadingWhat I am trying to do is to update or insert the row in table. In my case, update looks …
laravel eloquent laravel-5.1 illuminate-container