The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database.
I can eager load polymorphic relations/models without any n+1 issues. However, if I try to access a model related …
laravel eloquent polymorphic-associations eager-loading polymorphismI have an Org model and a Tag model. I want to associate tags with organizations. My database tables and …
laravel-4 eloquent polymorphic-associationsI have 3 tables: posts, tags, post_tag. Each Post has many tags so I use hasMany method for them. But …
php laravel eloquent pivot-tableI am trying to paginate my template which has a table on it. This is my function in the controller …
laravel-4 eloquent blade laravel-paginateI have been unsuccessfully trying to leftjoin and get the required data Here is my code: $album = Albums::->…
php sql laravel-4 eloquent query-builderIn Laravel we can setup relationships like so: class User { public function items() { return $this->belongsToMany('Item'); } } Allowing us …
laravel laravel-4 pivot-table eloquentI have two models which are joined by a pivot table, User and Task. I have a user_id and …
php laravel eloquent pivot-tableI can find a number of discussions regarding this but no clear solution. Here are two links, although I will …
laravel laravel-4 polymorphism eloquentHow can I do a case-sensitive string match with laravel? SELECT * FROM `invites` WHERE `token`='OGwie2e2985tOEGewgu23hUFs' Can …
php mysql laravel-4 eloquent case-sensitive