Top "Elements" questions

In metadata, the term data element is an atomic unit of data that has precise meaning or precise semantics.

comparing elements of the same array in java

I am trying to compare elements of the same array. That means that i want to compare the 0 element with …

java arrays compare elements between
Deleting list elements based on condition

I have a list of lists: [word, good freq, bad freq, change_status] list_1 = [['good',100, 20, 0.2],['bad', 10, 0, 0.0],['change', 1, 2, 2]] I would like …

python list elements
R: removing the last elements of a vector

How can I remove the last 100 elements of a zoo series? I know the name[-element] notation but I can't …

r vector elements
How can I ignore ValueError when I try to remove an element from a list?

How can I ignore the "not in list" error message if I call a.remove(x) when x is not …

python list error-handling elements
Selenium - Find all elements of a web page

I am planning a tool in Java which would have a drop down containing all the elements of a web …

java selenium find webpage elements
Remove Specific Array Element, Equal to String - Swift

Is there no easy way to remove a specific element from an array, if it is equal to a given …

ios iphone arrays swift elements
XPath to get all child elements except one with specific name?

How do I target all elements in a document except a particular element name? For example I want to exclude …

xml xpath elements
In Python, how do I remove from a list any element containing certain kinds of characters?

Apologies if this is a simple question, I'm still pretty new to this, but I've spent a while looking for …

python regex list elements
combined multiple classes into one css rule

I'm trying to do some buckets here and generally I would do 1 class element at a time. That seems silly …

css rules elements
Selenium - How to capture all web page elements and associated locators on a page?

What Java/Selenium commands can I use to capture/get/output for all elements and associated element locators for a …

java selenium elements silktest