Electron Autoupdater with Private GitHub Repository?

CoronaVirus picture CoronaVirus · Jul 17, 2019 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

I have implemented Electron AutoUpdater with PRIVATE GitHub Repository as provider to publish electron application. Now, i can publish it using GitHub repository but Whenever AutoUpdater tries to download the updates from GitHub repository, Everytime it prompts with response code 404 Not found.. I have tried passing token in setFeedURL method and also set it in GH_TOKEN but seems like that does not work either.

autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ provider: 'github'
, owner: 'owner'
, repo: 'repo-name'
, token: 'token'
, private: true });

So, Is there any way to get it working with PRIVATE GitHub Repository ?


bul3 picture bul3 · Jul 17, 2019

Auto-Update - you can see that private github repos works only for very special cases, and they are recommending to have a separate release-only repository to distribute releases so source is locked down, and you can distribute to controlled machines. It is a useful feature since no server is required, but special use case. Also, you can make this work with s3 bucket or some other upgrade servers.