Top "Ef-database-first" questions

The Database First Approach of Entity Framework provides an alternative to the Code First and Model First approaches to the Entity Data Model and it creates model codes (classes, properties, DbContext etc.

What binds ApplicationUser to the aspnetusers table in Database First?

I have a database-first EDMX model in a separate library (e.g. Common.Feedback.Data), that includes the AspNetUser table …

c# entity-framework-6 ef-database-first
empty .Designer.cs file after generating .edmx using EF 4.x on ASP.Net MVC4 application

I have started a very simple ASP.Net MVC4 applictaion with a Database first approach (with existing DB). I have …

entity-framework ef-database-first
Unable to retrieve project metadata. Ensure it's an MSBuild-based .NET Core project

I've been researching a lot online but did not find a proper solution. I was trying to use Entity Framework …

mysql entity-framework ef-database-first entity-framework-core-2.1
DB-First authentication confusion with ASP.NET Web API 2 + EF6

I need to create a Web API C# application for an existing MySQL database. I've managed to use Entity Framework 6 …

c# entity-framework ef-database-first
Entity Framework Core Database-First Update after initial Scaffold?

I'm playing around with Entity Framework Core and I have been working on implementing a Database-First application. The initial Scaffold-DbContext …

entity-framework entity-framework-core ef-database-first
EntityFramework refuses to forget old columns

I'm using EntityFramework 6.1.3, database-first. I am currently wishing I had chosen code-first... I have a database with some tables. I've …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 ef-database-first