Top "Edmx" questions

An .edmx file is an XML file in the .Net Entity Framework that defines a conceptual model, a storage model, and the mapping between these models.

The selected stored procedure returns no columns, when i try to import my stored procedure inside my mvc

I have the following stored procedure inside my SQL server 2008 r2 & mvc web application :- USE [ITSERres] … entity-framework edmx
does Visual Studio 2015 include .edmx support?

Does Visual Studio 2015 include .edmx support? I have a project that includes an .edmx data model and double-clicking it in …

entity-framework entity-framework-6 visual-studio-2015 edmx edmx-designer
Entity Framework: Where do I extend the CSDL/MSL?

I'm using Entity Framework 4. I am using a database first model, meaning that I generated the EDM from the database. …

entity-framework-4 edmx
Exporting a large Entity Framework Diagram

I have a fairly large Entity Diagram. I tried to export it to an image, unfortunately because it's so large …

entity-framework visual-studio-2010 edmx
How to prevent from DataAnnotations Attributes being deleted in DataBase First Model

I have my mvc 3 application with entity framework and i used the Database First model to set it … entity-framework data-annotations edmx database-first
EDMX .NET 4.5 to 4.0?

We're using the Entity Framework and we created our EDMX when our project was set to build .NET 4.5. Now we …

c# entity-framework edmx edmx-designer
Entity framework edmx fail to Update. Error appear "An entry with same key already exists."

I am trying to update my edmx, RIGHT CLICK -> UPDATE MODEL FROM DATABASE. And each time i try …

c# entity-framework edmx edmx-designer
Manually added stored procedures in edmx file

Is it possible to persistently add the manually added stored procedures in the edmx file? The database is generated from …

c# stored-procedures edmx
Entity Framework 4 (using EDMX), how to add a field into to model that DB does not have the field actually

I need to add a field into model that Database does not have the field actually. Because, firstly I tried … entity-framework entity-framework-4 edmx