Top "Edmx" questions

An .edmx file is an XML file in the .Net Entity Framework that defines a conceptual model, a storage model, and the mapping between these models.

Entity Framework - Already Defined

I have a problem with an EDMX file which I've never encountered before. Seemingly randomly when the site is running …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-4 edmx
Tables don't show when re-adding them to entity-model (edmx)

I have a db with 5 tables. At the beginning, I've added those tables in, but then decided to remove some …

entity-framework edmx entity-model
Tool to convert Entity Framework EDMX to Code First

Is there a tool to convert an edmx into code-first? I know there was talk of one appearing in a …

.net entity-framework code-first edmx
Enum Support for Entity Framework Database First

I can find a bunch of tutorials on how to implement enum support for model first and code first like …

.net entity-framework enums .net-4.5 edmx
The number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values defined on the entity

I've created a view in SQL Server that contains the most important columns from different tables. Printing the content of …

.net sql-server entity-framework edmx
How to properly delete and re-add Entity Data Model

newbie to Entity Framework here. Using VS 2010 and SQL Server 2008 express DB. I was having trouble refreshing an Entity Data …

entity-framework datamodel edmx
How do I find a specific table in my EDMX model quickly?

I was wondering if anyone knows a quicker way to find a table in the EDMX model than just scrolling …

c# entity-framework-4 edmx edmx-designer
Retrieve varbinary value as BASE64 in MSSQL

I'm looking for a way for retrieving Entity Data Model (EDM) from __MigrationHistory table using only T-SQL (so anyone, using …

sql-server entity-framework base64 edmx varbinary
MappingException Edm.String not compatible with SqlServer.varbinary

I am having a difficult time resolving a silly mapping problem. Basically what is going on is that I have …

c# sql-server-2008 mapping edmx
Update wizard not responding

Every time I need to update my emdx from database, the update wizard takes an incredible amount of time to …

entity-framework edmx