Top "Editor" questions

This tag is for questions about the features and functionality of text editors, source code editors and other programs specifically designed for modifying plain text files used in computer programming.

How to create a new project in adobe-brackets?

I've started using adobe-brackets for editing JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Currently I have the "Getting Started" project open in my …

editor html-editor adobe-brackets
git rebase --editor=/something/other/than/vim? (for easier squashing)

I happily use vim as my default editor for commits, and do not wish to change it. However, when it …

git vim editor git-rebase
sublime text : open containing folder

I'm working on some file in my sublime text 2 editor, and I want to open a folder in which that …

editor sublimetext2 text-editor sublimetext
Editor giving "Unexpected End Tag" syntax error for HTML file

Edit: Because of the time restriction of the project I just had to revert to a working copy of the …

html editor syntax-error komodoedit
Why Windows notepad put all the code line on a single line when I open a file created using Notepad++?

I have the following problem: I use Nodepad++ editor to write some text\code and I save my file into …

text editor notepad++ text-editor notepad
How do you change the font of an equation in PowerPoint 2010?

In PowerPoint 2010, how do you change the font of an equation from the default of Cambria Math to, for instance, …

math fonts editor powerpoint
How to change Sublime Text 2 selected tab color

I like the Sublime Text 2 default color scheme Monokai alot. The only problem is the tab colors, the selected tabs …

editor text-editor sublimetext2
Move whole line up/down shortcut in nano (analogue to intelliJ or Visual Studio)

How to move a line of text up/down in Nano linux command line editor? Is there any analogue way …

linux bash editor nano
The selected entry in Eclipse content assist is unreadable because of colours

In my Eclipse installation, the selected entry in the content assist menu is almost unreadable because the colour is white …

eclipse colors menu editor
How do you learn proper Emacs?

I am about to learn Emacs, have been through the tutorial and borrowed the O'Reilly book on Emacs. But the …

emacs editor workflow