Top "Ecmascript-intl" questions

ECMAScript Internationalization API

Chrome timeZone option to Date.toLocaleString()

I have recently discovered that there is a new extension to JavaScript. This adds several features to the Date object …

javascript google-chrome internationalization timezone ecmascript-intl
Getting Timezone using Intl API doesn't work in Firefox:

I am using the Intl API. In Chrome: Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolved.timeZone Returns "Europe/London" In Firefox this return undefined, …

javascript firefox internationalization timezone ecmascript-intl
Invalid time zone specified: US/Alaska, US/Arizona, US/Mountain, US/Central etc error in Chrome but working in Mozilla

I am trying to convert timestamp in to various time zone's local time and found certain TimeZone are not supporting …

javascript google-chrome timezone ecmascript-intl