Creating a SWING app with Eclipse Window Builder

Cemre Mengü picture Cemre Mengü · Dec 24, 2011 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I am using Eclipse Indigo on Mac. I just set up the Window Builder tool however for some reason I can not create a new project with it. I select the Swing Designer -> Application Window option another window pops up and asks me for the source folder, project name etc. but when I try to type a name in the source folder it says file cannot be found and when I try to browse there is nothing to select. Does anyone have an idea about whats going on ? thanks


aleroot picture aleroot · Dec 24, 2011

You have to create a Java project then you have to create a source folder and a package, after doing that you can select the created package on the Package explorer and create a new Application Window or JFrame from WindowBuilder menu.