When you have 5+ languages and 100+ projects, IMO the default of using one workspace is not acceptable because the one workspace becomes horribly disorganized. Having one huge unorganized workspace lowers your productivity.
The question:
What are the more advanced ways of using Eclipse when you have 5+ languages and 100+ projects? I would really appreciate advice that elaborates a little bit more than just giving one sentence like "use multiple workspaces" or "use working sets".
"Must have" requirements:
"Would like" requirements:
(Side note:
FYI, one of the reasons for asking on SO.com is because I have searched enough on Google to know that there are LOTS of people who have the same "Help my Eclipse workspace is out of control" problem. )
The way I work with my hundreds of projects is this:
For example, my big workspace uses SpringSource Tool Suite, but my side-project workspaces are vanilla Eclipse with m2eclipse installed.
I find that this works well as long as I don't have too many projects opened at once in my big workspace.