How to reactivate code assist in my xhtml page (eclipse 3.5, jboss tools 3.1, jsf 1.2)

Maxime ARNSTAMM picture Maxime ARNSTAMM · Jan 13, 2010 · Viewed 16.7k times · Source

I develop jsf xhtml pages with facelets, and I always had code assist for all the taglibs i declared i my xhtml root element (h, f etc..)

But, since, like 30 minutes, when i ctrl+space i only have regular html and ui:* proposals.

I didn't change anything. It just broke, no error message, nothing.

I searched the web, but nothing either, or i am not searching right.

Please help me :)

ps : here's an example of one of my xhtml page's header :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<ui:composition xmlns="" 


kinkajou picture kinkajou · Feb 19, 2011
  1. Right click on the project, choose properties, select “Project Facets“, make sure the “JavaServer Faces” is checked. If it is checked go to step 2.

  2. Create an user library and include the JSF API and implementation library, jsf-api-xxx.jar and jsf-impl-xxx.jar. It will add the JSF capabilities to your project.

If you don't understand click:

Best Regards.