Why can't eclipse resolve class in same package?

Cedric Reichenbach picture Cedric Reichenbach · Jul 19, 2012 · Viewed 55.4k times · Source

I hit F5 ~1000 times and restarted eclipse (also with -clean), deleted /bin, but nothing helps. Manually importing DoodleClient does not help. DoodleClient exists and is perfectly fine, everything worked before. Clicking on "Import 'DoodleClient' ..." does nothing.

What I did before this problem occured:

  1. I added *.class to .gitignore
  2. git rm *.class
  3. On the next pull, hunderts of .class files were deleted by git

enter image description here


samorai picture samorai · Feb 26, 2013

Alternatively, you can highlight the project :

Choose Clean ... from Project menu and if you have activated the Build Automatically option (in the same menu), the classes will be generated anew.