Top "Ebcdic" questions

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is a set of 8-bit character encodings.

Convert Mainframe Binary to Ascii Using any Open Source Code or Tool

How can I convert a mainframe binary file (EBCDIC) having cobol copybook as record layout information to ASCII file by …

java ascii cobol mainframe ebcdic
Decoding Ebcdic

I'm being passed data that is ebcdic encoded. Something like: s = u'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ÂÖÉâÅ@ÉÄ' Attempting to .decode('cp500') is wrong, …

python character-encoding ebcdic
How to convert ASCII data to EBCDIC in C#?

I read about conversion of ASCII to EBCDIC using this link; Convert String from ASCII to EBCDIC in Java? But …

c# ebcdic
Convert String from EBCDIC to Unicode / UTF8

I'm able to send messages from Java to Websphere MQ on AS400. If I send messages from WinXP, there is …

java windows encode ibm-mq ebcdic
How can I have Packed decimal and normal text in a single file?

I need to generate a fixed width file with few of the columns in packed decimal format and few of …

decimal cobol ebcdic packed-decimal