Top "Easymock" questions

Easymock is a mocking framework for Java.

Powermock (With Easymock) no last call on a mock available

I am trying to just run a simple test case. I have the following method. public static void run(String[] …

java unit-testing junit easymock powermock
EasyMock vs Mockito: design vs maintainability?

One way of thinking about this is: if we care about the design of the code then EasyMock is the …

easymock mockito
PowerMock ECLEmma coverage issue

We are using EasyMock and PowerMock with JUnit. The coverage tool used is ECLEmma. With EasyMock, it shows the coverage …

java junit easymock
EasyMock expect method to return multiple, different objects in same test

I am using EasyMock to unit test my Java code. The class I'm trying to test is a RESTful webservice …

java unit-testing easymock
What is the difference between PowerMock, EasyMock and Mockito frameworks?

I am very new to mocking framework, and my work needs mocking framework to finish unit testing. In the current …

junit mockito powermock easymock
Is it possible to create a mock object that implements multiple interfaces with EasyMock?

Is it possible to create a mock object that implements several interfaces with EasyMock? For example, interface Foo and interface …

java unit-testing mocking rhino-mocks easymock
Unit-testing a class that calls a static method

I am trying to unit-test a class 'A' which calls a static method of a class 'B'. Class 'B' essentially …

java unit-testing static-methods easymock google-guava-cache
missing behavior definition for the preceding method call:Usage is: expect(

I'm New to Junit and am stuck on an issue. Any help would be really appreciated. public void testGuaranteedRates() throws …

java junit easymock
Difference between EasyMock.expect(...).times(...) versus using EasyMock.expect(...) several times?

What is the difference between this: ResultSet set = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ResultSet.class); EasyMock.expect(set.getInt("col1")).andReturn(1); EasyMock.expect(…

java unit-testing easymock
PowerMock's expectNew() isn't mocking a constructor as expected

I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of various mocking libraries and PowerMock(specifically the EasyMock extension) is next …

java constructor easymock powermock