Top "Eager-loading" questions

Eager loading is a way to load objects of a certain class and a number of named associations in the same request.

EF CTP5 - Strongly-Typed Eager Loading - How to Include Nested Navigational Properties?

Attempting to cutover our EF4 solution to EF CTP5, and ran into a problem. Here's the relevant portion of the …

entity-framework poco eager-loading entity-framework-ctp5
Entity Framework 4.1 default eager loading

I'm using Entity Framework 4.1 code first approach. I want to make eager loading as my the dafault configuration, and by …

entity-framework entity-framework-4.1 eager-loading
Why can't Laravel/Eloquent use JOIN for Eager Loading?

<?php class Cat extends Eloquent { public function user() { return $this->belongsTo('User'); } } class User extends Eloquent { public function …

php join laravel-4 eloquent eager-loading
Linq to entities - how to select entities with a where condition on their entitycollection?

I found several times people asking for the same question but it seems that the answer was never satisfying altough …

entity-framework linq-to-entities one-to-many eager-loading entitycollection
Laravel 5 eager loading with limit

I have two tables, say "users" and "users_actions", where "users_actions" has an hasMany relation with users: users id | …

php laravel-5 eloquent greatest-n-per-group eager-loading
Eager load associations with Active Model Serializers

Background I have a rails application with deeply nested associations. .-< WorkPeriod Timecard -< Week -< Day …

ruby-on-rails performance associations eager-loading active-model-serializers
Disable all lazy loading or force eager loading for a LINQ context

I have a document generator which contains queries for about 200 items at the moment but will likely be upwards of 500 …

c# linq linq-to-sql lazy-loading eager-loading
Can SQLAlchemy eager/joined loads be suppressed once set up?

I've got a case where most of the time the relationships between objects was such that pre-configuring an eager (joined) …

python sqlalchemy lazy-loading eager-loading
Eager loading: The right way to do things

I am running Ruby on Rails 3.1. I read the following articles and documentations about eager loading and I would like …

ruby-on-rails ruby database ruby-on-rails-3 eager-loading