I am running Ruby on Rails 3.1. I read the following articles and documentations about eager loading and I would like to find a right way to do things:
The #2 says:
Note that using conditions like Post.includes([:author, :comments]).where(['comments.approved = ?', true]).all can have unintended consequences.
The #3 says that those unintended consequences are (note: examples are pretty the same so I quote the exact text of the blog article but you have to keep in mind the workaround, not the specific implementation):
This query, since it would use a LEFT JOIN, would also discard all posts without a comment with the word “first” on any of it’s comments.
That is, if there are non "associated" objects, the "main associated" object will not be loaded. This is what happens when I try to use eager loading by adding some condition like .where(:category_relationships => {:user_id => @current_user.id})
in a my previous question, but I do not want that to happen.
So (defeatist because I probably can not use the eager loading in my case where condition can not be set in the has_many
statement - note that in the above code the @current_user.id
is "set dynamically" unlike in examples present in mentioned sites), I would like to know if there are pratiques/techniques/strategies so to limit database queries since I have a "N + 1 problem".
Maybe those pratiques/techniques/strategies are implementable by using the Ruby on Rails framework at all... the #1 says:
Even though Active Record lets you specify conditions on the eager loaded associations just like joins, the recommended way is to use joins instead.
What and how to solve this issue the right way?
Maybe a solution is to retrieve and build myself what needs to be loaded by running specific and separated database queries, but then the problem would be how to "pass" / "associate" / "interpolate" those retrieved "associated" objects to the "main associated" object so that those can be used "a là eager loading" way? That is, how to make possible (see the mentioned question for more information) to use code like @article.comments
and get only comments that I eager loaded myself? After my eager loading, is it possible / correct to make something like @article.comments = my_eager_loaded_comments
so to "pass"/"associate"/"interpolate" comments to articles?
After my eager loading, is it possible / correct to make something like @article.comments = my_eager_loaded_comments so to "pass"/"associate"/"interpolate" comments to articles?
Yes, it is possible. I do this regularly.
Note that my solution still retrieves ALL the associated objects from the DB. I don't think there is any solution to retrieving just the filtered association objects if your condition is dynamic. My solution focuses on the filtering of the retrieved association objects.
I am assuming the requirement is to get a list of articles
and in each article, eager load the comments of only one particular user
In the Article
def self.get_articles_with_comments_of_user( article_ids, user_id )
articles = Article.where( id: article_ids ).includes( :comments )
articles.each do |article|
filtered_comments = article.comments.select { |comment| comment.user_id == user_id }
article.association("comments").target = filtered_comments
In the collection of articles returned by the above method, the comments association will have only the comments of that particular user.
I hope this is what you are asking for.