Top "Eabi" questions

Relating to ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, etc EABI calling conventions and interoperability.

What is the use of ARM EABI v7a System image in android?

What for do we need ARM EABI v7a System image in Android development? What is the purpose of that …

android arm eabi
arm gcc toolchain as arm-elf or arm-none-eabi, what is the difference?

When you build a gcc toolchain there is the possibility to build it as arm-elf or as arm-none-eabi, but what …

gcc arm elf cortex-m3 eabi
What are the purposes of the ARM ABI and EABI?

The more I look at this PDF (Application Binary Interface for the ARM Architecture: The Base Standard) the less I …

arm abi eabi
armeabi and armeabi-v7a folder

I'm working on an Android project and I am using the NDK to call native methods. I have two libraries (.…

android arm android-ndk eabi
How to set 2 byte wchar_t output?

The GCC uses a 4-byte wchar_t by default. I can set the option -fshort-wchar to get 2 bytes per wchar_…

gcc ld binutils eabi