Top "Dynamic-library" questions

Compiled binaries capable to be loaded in the process address space in runtime.

Python ctypes return values question

Why if i have this simple code void voidFunct() { printf("voidFunct called!!!\n"); } I compile it as a dynamic library …

python return-value ctypes dynamic-library
Building and Using a DYLIB in Xcode

I'm trying to build a .dylib in Xcode. Currently the .dylib builds, but when I drag the .dylib into another …

c++ xcode dylib dynamic-library
Why I receive error LNK1561 "Entry point must be defined" when I compile a DLL Project?

I try to compile a very simple dynamic library project as .dll file. The name of the project is "Library". …

c++ dll visual-studio-2015 dynamic-library
Difference between static and dynamic library in Xcode for iPhone

What is the difference between a static and dynamic library in XCode? And why doesn't Apple allow us to use …

iphone xcode ios static-libraries dynamic-library