Top "Dynamic-dispatch" questions

In computer science, dynamic dispatch is the process of selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at runtime.

The trait cannot be made into an object

I have the following code: extern crate futures; // 0.1.24 use futures::Future; use std::io; struct Context; pub trait MyTrait { fn …

generics rust traits dynamic-dispatch trait-objects
Does Swift have dynamic dispatch and virtual methods?

Coming form a C++/Java/C# background I was expecting to see virtual methods in Swift, however reading the swift …

virtual-functions swift dynamic-dispatch
dynamic modifier in functions in Swift

According to Apple : When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically …

ios swift inheritance dynamic dynamic-dispatch
Dynamic dispatch in Haskell

Programs written in, for example, Java rely a lot on dynamic dispatch. How are such programs expressed in functional languages …

haskell functional-programming dynamic-dispatch