The dynamic_cast conversion allows for safely converting pointers (and references) to classes up, down, and sideways in the inheritance hierarchy.
I would like to do dynamic casting for a Java variable, the casting type is stored in a different variable. …
java casting dynamic-castI am quite confused with the dynamic_cast keyword in C++. struct A { virtual void f() { } }; struct B : public A { }; …
c++ casting dynamic-castBefore reading the question: This question is not about how useful it is to use dynamic_cast. Its just about …
c++ performance dynamic-cast boost-date-timeI currently have this type of code: private void FillObject(Object MainObject, Foo Arg1, Bar Arg2) { if (MainObject is SomeClassType1) { …
c# dynamic-castI have a class hierarchy as follows: class BaseSession : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<BaseSession> class DerivedSessionA : …
c++ boost smart-pointers unique-ptr dynamic-castAccording to this, void* has no RTTI information, therefore casting from void* is not legal and it make sense. If …
c++ rtti void-pointers dynamic-castI have a problem using a shared_ptr of a base class, I can't seem to be able to call …
c++ boost dynamic-cast boost-smart-ptrI was checking the behavior of dynamic_cast and found that when it fails, std::bad_cast exception is thrown …
c++ casting dynamic-castI have one abstract class named A, and other classes (B, C, D, E, ...) that implements A I also have …
c# reflection casting dynamic-castCould someone explain in as simple terms as possible (or as simple as you would like) what qobject_cast is, …
c++ qt dynamic-cast qobject